Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Afternoon Tea on the Verandah

Here we are enjoying the City Views (while the home owner is away) with good family friends.

Eldest in the Family

Can you guess that this is the oldest child???

Her apron reads "Stuff being the Princess, I want to be the Queen!"

Playtime at Home

Amelia wants to do everything that Edward does. It seems that I have 2 of everything and thank goodness for that!! It makes dealing with 2 little children much easier!!

These photos are taken in November 2007.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Uncle Thomas and his 10 nieces and nephews

This is Uncle Thomas with 9 of his nieces and nephews!! All ten children are 10 and under. Can you imagine what the 2 days were like with all of us in the same house?? I think we were pleased to get home! In the photo from left to right: Daniel, Henry, Phoebe holding Edward, Benjamin, Nicholas holding Amelia, Thomas holding Eva and Meg on the far right. Stella couldn't stay up and was asleep!

More Cuddles on the Couch

Edward is 2 months old.

Amelia is 18 months old.


Edward and Amelia visited their Pop in his new house. This is Pop on their mother's side.

Enjoyable Moments

In all the hectic that comes with having children, there are moments which are just to be enjoyed - is it any coincidence that Edward is asleep in both these photos?!!

The first photo is of me and Edward in hospital (day 1) and the second photo is of Edward at home (5 days old).

Edward meets Amelia

Amelia loves her younger brother. She loves cuddling Edward and even sharing his bouncer (she sits on top of him!).

This photo was taken in hospital on the first day Edward was born.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Edward William Archie

This is Edward in the first hours of being born. He arrived very quickly on Thursday 16th August at 4.05am weighing 4540 grams (10lb 2). We are all very excited to have Edward arrive safely and to have him at home with us.